Lifestyle Changes for Healthy Weight Week

Healthy weight week, Weight loss, eating healthy, lifestyle changeJanuary 19-25 is Healthy Weight Week, and it serves to encourage everyone everywhere to establish good eating and exercise habits to maintain a healthy weight. While most people think of diets when it comes to losing weight, developing healthy habits are what actually produce lifelong weight loss and good health. You’re a unique individual with specific needs that a weight loss program should address for successful weight maintenance. To find out how a 12-week comprehensive weight loss program can help you change your life with this guide, keep reading!

Why We Need Healthy Weight Week: Obesity

Obesity is the medical term used to describe when a person carries excess weight that affects their health. Doctors tend to diagnose obesity if a person has a BMI of 30 or higher.

It seems like each year we’re told that the American obesity epidemic gets worse and worse, but is that true? Unfortunately, it looks that way. According to studies done by the CDC, more than 93 million adults are obese and over 13 million children are as well. These staggering numbers do prove that our country has an obesity problem that has become worse than ever. Our weight is the result of many decisions we make – like what we eat and how often we exercise. It also is a result of our metabolisms and our genetic makeup.

What Causes the Obesity Problem?

The obesity problem in the United States is worse now because of how our society has evolved, says the National Institute of Health (NIH). We seem to be less active by sitting at desks all day. We also are more inclined take car to get from Point A to Point B rather than walking or biking. If you want to be active in today’s society, you have to make it a point to get to the gym or go on a run.

Another issue is how big the food portions are here in the States. If you have visited other countries, you might have noticed a major difference in portion sizes. This has caused what professionals now call portion distortion. NIH uses portion to explain just how much portions have changed over the last couple of decades. What you see on your plate these days is the same amount that would have fed 2-3 people back then.

In our advertising-driven world, we see food promoted everywhere we look. In addition to this, getting a bite to eat is extremely convenient now with a drive thru on every street corner, but the options can be far from healthy.

You and your decisions are responsible for your health. Obesity doesn’t come on suddenly, it’s brought on by what you decide to do each day. If you’re not careful, obesity can happen and will begin to affect your health.

What Health Issues Does Obesity Cause?

Obesity can cause a number of health problems. Health issues linked to obesity are:

  • Heart disease and stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Certain cancers
  • Kidney disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Chronic Illness 

These are serious conditions that your weight could be contributing to. If you are struggling with your weight, you have options to help lead you onto a healthier lifestyle.

Why You Shouldn’t Focus on Fad Diets

Fad diets are everywhere. You’ve probably become oblivious to just how many ads that you see on TV, online from influencers, and in other places throughout your day. These diets are short term, and seem to promise fast weight loss that stays off. While short term diets may provide you with some results, you will usually see the weight come back as soon as you’re done. However, sometimes these diets can help kickstart you into a healthier mentality, making you motivated to stay with a healthier lifestyle – and that’s a positive change. The problem begins when you start and stop these and don’t become committed to a healthier lifestyle. Use Healthy Weight Week to begin lifestyle changes that your future self will thank you for. 

Learn About Balanced Well-Being Healthcare’s Comprehensive Weight Loss Program This Healthy Weight Week

This isn’t a fad diet. Our Comprehensive Weight Loss Program partners with First Line Therapy (FLT) to provide you with an all around look at your body imbalances and where your health currently stands. This 12-week program begins with a 90-minute initial visit with our nutritionist to assess imbalances and your initial bloodwork to rule out if your weight gain is caused by an underlying condition. You’ll then have six follow up visits and will be provided with:

  • Body composition
  • Meal planning guide
  • Recipe book
  • Meal replacement shakes
  • Knowledge to get you to a healthier place

First Line Therapy is a program that gives you the tools you need to take back your heath. FLT Providers truly believe that 90% of disease and weight management can come from making lifestyle and dietary changes. In this program, you won’t focus on a fad diet. Rather, you’ll be given knowledge you need to create a life that’s more healthy and balanced for yourself. Are you ready to start this Healthy Weight Week?

Cost for the Weight Loss Program varies by the option you choose. We’re committed to your health! Are you?

Work With Us!

Healthy Weight Week is the perfect time to jumpstart on your health goals. Balanced Well-Being Healthcare wants to help you get to a happier and healthier life. If you’re ready to make a change, call us at (970)-631-8286 to make an appointment today.